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بيان الأحزاب الشيوعية والعمالية ضد الهجوم الإمبريالي العسكري على سوريا

نحن الأحزاب الشيوعية والعمالية الموقعة أدناه. نعرب عن تضامننا مع الشعب السوري و ندين الهجوم العسكري ضد سوريا الذي يجري إعداده من قبل امبرياليي الولايات المتحدة الامريكية وحلف شمال الأطلسي والاتحاد الأوروبي وحلفائهم بهدف تعزيز و دفع مصالحهم في المنطقة. إننا نرفض ادعاءات الإمبريالية التي ثبت استخدامها في حربها ضد العراق و في باقي الحروب الإمبريالية في يوغوسلافيا وأفغانستان وليبيا. ندعو الطبقة العاملة والشعوب في جميع أنحاء العالم إلى مناهضة وإدانة الحرب الإمبريالية الجديدة، و إلى مطالبة حكومات بلدانها لعدم تورطها في الهجوم العسكري الإجرامي المذكور أو دعمه. 29/8/2013 ==================== Communist Party of Albania Algerian Party For Democracy And Socialism Communist Party of Australia Communist Party of Azerbaidjan Democratic, Progressive Tribune, Bahrain Communist Party of Bangladesh Communist Party Of Belarus Communist Party of Workers of Belarus Workers’ Party of Belgium Communist Party of Belgium (Wallonia-Brussels) Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia Communist Party of Brazil Brazilian Communist Party Communist Party of Britain New Communist Party of Britain Communist Party of Canada Communist Party of Chile Communist Party of Cuba The Progressive Party of the Working People – AKEL, Cyprus Communist Party of Denmark Communist Party in Denmark Danish Communist Party Communist Party of Finland Communist Workers’ Party of Finland Pole of Communist Revival, France URCF (France) Galician People"s Union, Spain Unified Communist Party of Georgia German Communist Party (DKP) Communist Party of Greece Hungarian Workers’ Party Tudeh Party of Iran Communist Party of Ireland Party of the Italian Communists Communists People’s Left-Communist Party, Italy Activist Group Shiso-Undo, Japan Jordanian Communist Party Socialist Party of Latvia Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania Communist Party of Luxembourg Communist Party of Malta Communist Party of Mexico Partido Socialista APN, Mexico People’s Resistance, Moldova New Communist Party of the Netherlands Communist Party of Norway Communist Party of Pakistan Palestinian Communist Party Palestinian People’s Party Philippine Communist Party [PKP-1930] Communist Party of Poland Portuguese Communist Party Communist Party of the Russian Federation Communist Workers’ Party of Russia Communist Party of Soviet Union Communist Party of Slovakia Communist Party of Spain Communist Party of the People of Spain Sudanese Communist Party Communist Party of Sweden Syrian Communist Party Syrian Communist Party [Unified] Communist Party of Tadjikistan Communist Party of Turkey Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) Communist Party of Ukraine Union of Communists of Ukraine Communist Party of Venezuela Party for Socialism and Liberation (USA) CPUSA

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